During the summer of 2010 I will be spending 14 weeks in Central America. The majority of that time will be spent in Quetzaltenango (Xela), Guatemala, studying Spanish and volunteering in local and rural health clinics. I hope to be able to keep up with you all here!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A quickie

Hola! Wanted to write something quick. I have an exam tomorrow and need to go to the store before I begin studying, so I probably won't have time today for a proper post, but wanted to let you all know that I am getting all your comments and emails and they mean the world to me!

I'm at McDonald's for a sec -- desperately needed a sundae -- and my friend from school Erin turned to me and said, "I'm SO glad we have internet here." Yo tambien!

Here is yesterday in a nutshell -- I bought The Little Prince in Spanish, I saw leprosy for the first time, and a bird pooped on my head.

Today I have felt very uncharitable towards Xela, but much of that is Sr. Rooster and the fact that I am straight up allergic to this place. I am a histamined mess. But I got some meds for tonight, and I am out of the house and out of school right now, and feeling decidedly better about life.

More to come.


  1. Hola! Esperemos que se trataba de un pequeño pájaro! (Hopefully it was a small bird!)
    Cariños a los,

  2. Michael, I never saw how big a bird it was, but the poo was sizeable!
