During the summer of 2010 I will be spending 14 weeks in Central America. The majority of that time will be spent in Quetzaltenango (Xela), Guatemala, studying Spanish and volunteering in local and rural health clinics. I hope to be able to keep up with you all here!

Sunday, May 30, 2010


All, I am still safe in Antigua, finally drying off. We got hit with Tropical Storm Agatha all weekend long, and today is the first it hasn't been raining in 72 hours. I don't know if I will be able to get home to Xela today or not, as roads are pretty flooded still.

We are supposed to get hit with a hurricane this afternoon, but Antigua is so far inland that we expect at most more rain. But I am safe, MRM is safe and Ali is safe, and we are meeting in a few for chocolate crepes and to see if we can find out what the road situation is like in order to get out of Antigua.

Happy Sunday to you all! More to follow later on our most recent adventures. XOXO


  1. Thanks be to God that you're safe. It was great to hear your sweet voice even if only for a few seconds.God be with you sweetie. Hugs and Happy Birthday to MRM!
    Mucho amor,

  2. It was wonderful talking to you, as well! Let's Skype this week.

    Love you so much!!!
