During the summer of 2010 I will be spending 14 weeks in Central America. The majority of that time will be spent in Quetzaltenango (Xela), Guatemala, studying Spanish and volunteering in local and rural health clinics. I hope to be able to keep up with you all here!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Home Again

Arrived safely in Xela this evening. The devastation from Agatha is unlike anything I have ever seen or imagined, and this includes the horrific flooding in Nashville that I fled a few weeks ago. It was an incredibly sobering trip home. More to come.


  1. I read that there was a sink hole in Guat City that swallowed an entire building.
    Glad you're safe. We're sending positive vibrations your direction.
    Love, Michael

  2. Glad you made it back home okay. Constantly thinking of you! Love you!
