During the summer of 2010 I will be spending 14 weeks in Central America. The majority of that time will be spent in Quetzaltenango (Xela), Guatemala, studying Spanish and volunteering in local and rural health clinics. I hope to be able to keep up with you all here!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

From Xela with Love & Laziness

If it didn't take 60 seconds for this page to load, count your blessings. There is no bandwidth here today and it is infuriating.

Sorry for my absence. I am beyond exhausted. Have changed schools. Love my new school, but have been really emotional lately nonetheless.

There was a beach trip this weekend but it doesn't look like it will pan out because only 3 people have signed up for it.

So, I have moved and am safe and not sick and enjoying my school and mostly enjoying Xela and the whole concept of a homestay is awkward, even in the best of situations. More later and soon, I promise.

Hope you are all well. XOXO


  1. Hope you can extend yourself a little grace to rest a moment and just be..... It will all come together...even if it does so slowly.
    Love you so!

  2. Like Lisa said. Breathe, exhale. Exhale stress and problems.

  3. Dear Rachel,
    It's inevitable there'll be adjustment problems moving from a family you've loved to one you don't yet know. So don't fret; all things work to the good for those who love the Lord, as you know. Remember how very loved you are by all of us, relax, and enjoy this amazing experience you've been given.
    Love you so very much,

  4. Darling Rachel,
    Hey, I forgot to say, we're off to Prague, and then Munich, tomorrow! I'll say hello to Prague for you, and especially think of you at the Pinkas Synagogue, the one inscribed with the names of the Jews from Prague killed in the Holocaust.
